Necker Design - Challenge # 1

  • The Challenge:
    1. Use your imagination to design our new group's official necker/scarf.
    2. Use the color theme used in our logo
    3. Necker size should be identical to the one you already has. 
    4. Research the internet for ideas. Search for scout scarf or necker
  • Scoring Categories:
    1. Desing 10 points
    2. Colors 5 points
    3. Cloth Quality 5 points
    4. Creativity 5 points
      1. Maybe add a name tag!
      2. Maybe add the group logo
      3. Maybe add an option to stitch badges or print important scouting days
      4. Maybe add a QR to help people find you if you are lost
  • Rules
    1. Due 15 Oct 2024 midnight 
    2. A committee of leaders and parents will meet to evlauate and score
  • $100.00 will be a gift for the best desing